Renegade Game Studios & RPGMatch Partner to Bring More Players to the Table!

Tabletop matchmaking service, RPGMatch, and award-winning games publisher, Renegade Game Studios, are excited to announce their partnership! Renegade publishes an expansive catalog of roleplaying games, from Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Vampire: The Masquerade to the Power Rangers and My Little Pony Roleplaying Games. Fans of these RPGs can now unlock an exclusive Renegade badge for their RPGMatch profile:

This badge shows on the user profile and the user list and can be included in filters so RPGMatch users can find other Renegade Game Studios fans.

How do I get the badge?

There is a shortcode to unlock the badge, which you can find on the press release on the Renegade website:

About Renegade Game Studio

Renegade Game Studios was established in 2014 by game industry veteran Scott Gaeta to publish games that create memorable experiences including a catalog full of award-winning titles. Renegade’s catalog of games includes numerous popular titles such as Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game, Transformers Deck-Building Game, My Father’s Work, and award-winning titles such as Raiders of the North Sea, and The Fox in the Forest.

Find out more at or by signing up for our newsletter here:

Be sure to also follow the Renegade Game Studios channels where you can get more updates on their latest release and promotions.

About RPGMatch

RPGMatch is an application where you can register and meet other TTRPG players who like to play like you do. We ask the important questions about safety tools, character death, and stylistic preferences so you are guaranteed a good fit before you sit down at the table or VTT. RPGMatch is more than a matching service, we are building a community online from the ground up with table top gamers in mind. Best of all? It’s all free.

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